45 à 70% des milieux naturels visés par le nouveau règlement seraient détruits ou lourdement perturbés
Notre analyse de ce projet de règlement déposé à la MRC de Roussillon nous laisse entrevoir une destruction massive d’une partie importante des milieux naturels et une perturbation majeure des écosystèmes restants du Corridor vert de Châteauguay-Léry. Ce projet de règlement 215 (PR-215) modifiant le schéma d’aménagement de la MRC apporterait des modifications majeures aux règles actuelles de conservation dans le Corridor vert de Châteauguay-Léry sous prétexte que les usages proposés seraient compatibles à la protection des bois et corridors forestiers métropolitains tels que le prévoit la Communauté métropolitaine de Montréal (CMM).
Le PR-215 proposent deux approches prétendument compatibles, aux villes de Châteauguay et de Léry
1-Approche « Villégiature » ou de type Mont-Laurier
On laisserait tomber l’obligation d’aménager des réseaux d’égouts et d’aqueduc afin de permettre du développement de résidences sur de grands terrains de 50 000 pieds carrés sur 70% du territoire. Ainsi, 30% du territoire serait conservé.
Cette approche serait probablement préférée par les promoteurs de ville de Léry car le secteur n’est pas relié à des réseaux publics existants et le terrain rocheux rendrait l’aménagement de tels réseaux très couteux.
Approximativement une centaine de grandes maisons seraient construites sur les 118 hectares du territoire visé à LéryCette approche favoriserait l’étalement urbain à son maximum!
Ce type de développement n’a aucun sens dans la 1ère couronne du Grand Montréal et encore moins en détruisant un des tout derniers écosystèmes naturels exceptionnels
2- Approche « Growing Greener » ou de type Sutton
On permettrait du développement résidentiel à plus haute densité sur 45% du territoire visé. Ainsi, 55% du territoire serait conservé.
Cette approche de développement est généralement proposée en région forestière afin de minimiser l’impact du développement résidentiel sur de vastes territoires naturels. Ce qui n’est pas le cas de la MRC de Roussillon.
Cette approche serait probablement retenue sur les secteurs situés à Châteauguay profitant ainsi de la proximité des infrastructures d’aqueduc et d’égouts.Approximativement 300 unités de logements pourraient être construites sur les 51 hectares des territoires visés à Châteauguay.
Ce type de développement n’a pas plus de sens à l’intérieur même du bois métropolitain à conserver.

Simulation des impacts probables du projet de règlement PR-215
Parties hachurées en rouge : Habitats naturels détruits ou lourdement perturbés
Parties en jaune : Habitats naturels conservés, mais potentiellement perturbés
Ce projet pourrait-il être sensé ?
La destruction d’une très grande partie du Corridor forestier Châteauguay-Léry perturberait lourdement les écosystèmes naturels des sections restantes.
La valeur écologique d’un écosystème, tel le Corridor forestier de Châteauguay-Léry, dépend grandement de sa superficie, de sa connectivité à d’autres milieux naturels, la fragmentation du territoire (ex. présence de rue, routes et sentiers), l’occupation des terres adjacentes, entre autres facteurs. Ainsi, malgré la conservation d’une partie du territoire, le Corridor en entier serait affecté, suivi de la qualité de notre air, de l’eau, etc.
SOS Forêt Fernand-Seguin est d’avis que ce projet de règlement va à l’encontre…
- Des orientations gouvernementales et des cibles de conservation du Québec;
- Des objectifs de conservation et de la mise en œuvre du Plan métropolitain d’aménagement et de développement (PMAD) de la CMM (17% du territoire);
- Du critère 3.1.3 du PMAD relatif à la compatibilité des usages (développement) à la protection des milieux naturels dans un contexte d’extrême rareté des milieux naturels des milieux urbains dans la première couronne de Montréal;
- Des résultats de multiples consultations publiques qui ont été tenues depuis 2009 et qui ont démontré, à chaque occasion, un très large consensus de la population quant à la conservation et la mise en valeur de l’intégralité du Corridor vert de Châteauguay-Léry.
C’est pourquoi nous jugeons ce projet comme étant totalement insensé et nous demandons son retrait, car les rares milieux naturels à haute valeur écologique doivent être protégés et les citoyens de la région méritent de pouvoir profiter d’un grand parc naturel afin de s’y ressourcer et d’y pratiquer des activités de plein air.
-Guy Turcotte, Porte-parole de SOS Forêt Fernand-Seguin
45 to 70% of the natural environments targeted by the new regulation would be destroyed or heavily disturbed
Our analysis of this by-law project submitted to the MRC de Roussillon suggests a massive destruction of a large part of the natural environment and a major disruption of the remaining ecosystems of the Châteauguay-Léry Green Corridor. This by-law project 215 (PR-215) modifying the land use planning of the MRC would make major changes to the current conservation rules in the Châteauguay-Léry Green Corridor under the pretext that the proposed uses would be compatible with the protection of woods and metropolitan forest corridors as provided by the Montreal Metropolitan Community (CMM).
The PR-215 offers two supposedly compatible approaches, to the cities of Châteauguay and Léry
1-“Resort” or Mont-Laurier type approach
We would drop the obligation to develop sewer and aqueduct networks to allow the development of residences on large 50,000 square feet land on 70% of the territory. Thus, 30% of the territory would be preserved.
This approach would probably be preferred by the real estate developers of Léry because the area is not connected to existing public networks and the rocky land would make the development of such networks very expensive.
Approximately a hundred large houses would be built on the 118 hectares of the territory targeted at Léry. This approach would promote urban sprawl to its maximum!
This type of development makes no sense in the inner suburbs of Greater Montreal and even less by destroying one of the very last exceptional natural ecosystems.
2- “Growing Greener” or Sutton-type approach
Higher density residential development would be allowed on 45% of the targeted territory. Thus, 55% of the territory would be preserved.
This development approach is generally proposed in forest regions in order to minimize the impact of residential development on vast natural territories. This is not our case in the MRC de Roussillon Region.
This approach would probably be retained in the sectors located in Châteauguay, thus taking advantage of the proximity of the water and sewer infrastructure. Approximately 300 housing units could be built on the 51 hectares of the targeted territories in Châteauguay.
This type of development is illogical within our small metropolitan forest to be protected.

Simulation of probable impact of PR-215 By-law project
Red & Yellow Section : Destroyed or heavily disturbed natural habitat
Yellow Section : Protected but potentially disturbed natural habitat
Could this project make sense?
The destruction of a very large part of the Châteauguay-Léry Forest Corridor would seriously disrupt the natural ecosystems of the remaining sections.
The ecological value of an ecosystem, such as the Châteauguay-Léry Forest Corridor, depends greatly on its surface area, its connectivity to other natural environments, the fragmentation of the territory (e.g. presence of streets, roads and trails), occupation of adjacent land, among other factors. Thus, despite the conservation of part of the territory, the entire Corridor would be affected, followed by the quality of our air, water, etc.
SOS Forêt Fernand-Seguin is of the opinion that this draft regulation goes against …
- Government orientations and Quebec conservation targets;
- Conservation objectives and the implementation of the CMM’s Metropolitan Land Use and Development Plan (PMAD) (17% of the territory);
- Criterion 3.1.3 of the PMAD relating to the compatibility of uses (development) with the protection of natural environments in a context of extreme scarcity of natural environments in urban environments in the inner ring of Montreal;
- These are the results of multiple public consultations that have been held since 2009 and which have demonstrated, on each occasion, a very broad consensus among the population regarding the conservation and enhancement of the entire Châteauguay-Léry Green Corridor.
This is why we consider this project to be totally insane and we ask for its withdrawal, because the rare natural environments of high ecological value must be protected and the citizens of the region deserve to be able to enjoy a large natural park in order to enjoy themselves. to recharge their batteries and practice outdoor activities.
-Guy Turcotte – SOS Forêt Fernand Seguin Spokesperson
I am against any development in the green corridor. I have seen the wooded area in Chateauguay slowly get nibbled away, piece by piece, over the 45 years I have lived here. I am sure that changing the rules for it’s protection will end up with the forest’s total destruction. Once it is gone it is gone for good. Generations after us will never have the opportunity to enjoy the peace and tranquility that time spent in nature gives, if we let greed of a few developers to take this precious resource from us. the Forest should turned into a nature reserve with access to all.
Don’t ruin these beautiful woods, we need them, as they are important to our environment. All the wildlife are running out green spaces due to unnecessary expansion. As the lady before me stated, what about all that land around Walmart, that could be utilized for residential buildings. There are enough businesses that are struggling, change the zoning there. But do not take our green spaces.
I strongly oppose the “development” in our green belt!
As a Chateauguay resident for over 41 years, I have watched the development of nearby Carlyle Street, for one example. It used to be bordered by wild roses and other native species of flowers. My toddler and I once spotted a turtle near the Christ de Roi gates. Goldfinches were a common site and beyond the cemetery, the cacophony of bird calls announced the spring arrival of red-winged blackbirds.
Yes, le Boisé was once a wooded area, home to trilliums, ferns, a great variety of native trees, the great horned owl, tanagers and three varieties of woodpeckers. Where there is now a playground, we could see horned larks and rose-breasted grosbeaks. An evening walk would lead us to bushes full of fireflies.
My yard attracted purple finches, northern flickers, brown-headed cowbirds, grackles, cedar waxwings, nuthatches, evening grosbeaks, and even a Baltimore oriole.
Most of these species are not seen in my area now. I still see robins, house sparrows, mourning doves and crows, but a great variety of life has disappeared or was diminished with the destruction of the meadows, wetlands and woods in Chateauguay.
As the population increases, lets build UP on land already ruined like on the Zellers site. And what about the wasteland around Walmart? It was zoned farmland before it became commercial. Why not zone it for tall apartment buildings or condos? E-business and COVID-19 is already reducing our desire to shop in person; do we really need more retail outlets?
I wonder if our mayor previous occupation as an electrician predisposes him to new development. I implore him and his team to reconsider what would be lost forever in Chateauguay if he continues to view our natural and reclaimed spaces as opportunities.
This development is totally unnecessary. We have enough, expensive large housing projects within our regions & adding more is simply a money grab by the MRC & municipalities (in property & infrastructure taxes). We NEED our green-space for the sake of the environment & our children, grandchildren.
Please conserve the forest. Take care of
it for the animals and for our citizens.
Before building new things, modernize what you do have. But please leave the forest. Animals need homes too.
Thank you.
Totalement contre!! Appeler votre députée Mme Chasse car elle doit parler en notre nom contre ce projet, c’est elle qui nous représente à Québec. Elle doit faire pression pour que Quebec donne plus de pouvoir aux villes en matière de protection des milieux naturels et de l’aide financière contre les poursuites de ceux qui veulent les détruire. Faite pression c’est notre seul moyen.
This greenspace is of great value to the community. It should be preserved and cared for, and not exploited.
Stop taking down our wooded areas! It’s the whole reason people move here; close to the city but not overcrowded
Chateauguay has hardly any wooded areas because they have been taken over by houses and condominiums. No one thinks about conserving our forests and animals??? What’s wrong with people? We have enough houses and people here. The more people, the more problems.
The city just built a very expensive chalet so that all schools and families can discover nature and cross country skiing. We need activities for citizens and this land is a valuable asset for this city.
Sauvé le corridor vert à tout prix!
NON !!! Pour moi et mon conjoint ont doit gardez nos foret pour notre faune qui commence a etre desamparer 😡😡laissez notre nature tranquille
Je suis TOUT a fait en désaccord pour détruire notre belle foret .
NON pour moi et ma famille
I am totally against this, we do not have that much green space left in Chateauguay. Our infrastructure is in poor condition as it is and you want to bring in more homes which will put a strain on it. Fix our roads! Salaberry has been in need of repair for some time. We need our trees and green space to enjoy!
100% against this project. There are enough new builds going on in Chateauguay, we do not need to destroy any more of the precious green space we have.
We need to protect the green space not develop it!!
Absolutely against this. No no no!!!!
Don’t destroy please!! We need some greenery., this is a choice just to line pockets.., there are no other good reasons for this., we don’t need more housing here and you know it! 😡🥵
Protect our green spaces!
I am totally against the destruction of the green belt .
Je suis contre toute construction dans le corridor vert.
I am not only totally against construction in the green corridor, I am against any more construction in Chateauguay period. We do not need more people in Chats than there already is. We do not need anymore destruction of the beautiful city that I have come to love so much. We do not need to see the wildlife scattering to find a small piece of land to live off of.
Protect the land !!!
This green space is needed to protect our wildlife . There are way too many developments taking place. Chateauguay is no longer the city it once was. Very disappointed that they would even consider this !
I am totally against destruction of the green belt in any way. Leave it as is for the sake of the wildlife.
Leave the green space as it is.
This is horrible act of senseless destruction of natural habitat in the name of making pockets fatter.
I am totally against the destruction of the green belt .
Je suis contre toute construction dans le corridor vert.
Every inch of green space will be destroyed! If I wanted to live in the concrete jungle I’d moved to Montreal. 😡
Do not touch the forests
Please don’t sell that land. We have wildlife who depend on that to live! We don’t need any more houses/condos!!
How much money are you guys at city hall getting paid under the table for handing out the zoning permits to developers who want to tear it down and build over it? I hope your profits are worth a corruption investigation.
Ces projets coupent le territoire qu’il n’est plus pertinent de qualifier ce « corridor ».
aucune construction de quelque nature que ce soit dans le corridor vert , et , une première autorisation de construire créerait un précédent autorisant la destruction totale du corridor vert.
Je suis contre toute construction dans le corridor vert.
Le maire de Léry a raison en disant qu’il ne faut permettre aucune construction car dans quelques années, ce sera dérogation après dérogation et le corridor vert Léry – Châteauguay disparaîtra.
Le ministre de l’environnement M . Benoît Charette pourrait aider à résoudre le problème de la poursuite car avec le fonds destiné aux villes pour l’achat des terrains offrant une grande biodiversité, ceux-ci pourraient être acquis par la ville de Châteauguay et le problème pourrait ainsi être résolu.
Don’t destroy our forest 🌳